Starting the Menopause Conversation at Work

Melanie White, Co-CEO of Sage Women's Health hosts Memphis Bourne Blue from the New South Wales Premier's cabinet, and Professor Kathleen Riach from the University of Glasgow to talk about menopause at work and its impact on individuals and businesses. 

Early resignation due to menopause costs businesses $10 billion per year in employee replacement costs alone. 

Early resignation costs Australian women $17 billion per year in lost earnings and superannuation. 

The time is now to address these issues.

Webinar Highlights

  • Menopause is a biopsychosocial issue that affects women’s livelihoods and whole economies

  • Most women carry on despite disruptive symptoms, but many are quietly burning out while trying to maintain their performance productivity, and then resigning early

  • We are seeing an increase in women’s homelessness in Australia and Europe – economic insecurity = menopausal insecurity



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