Articles written by our coaches, experts and wider team. Each written with women facing the many challenges of menopause in mind. If you see content that resonates with you, get in touch with us to learn about our 1:1 coaching options.

menopause, anxiety and stress Dr. Lydia Altini menopause, anxiety and stress Dr. Lydia Altini

My Journey with Mindfulness: Navigating Menopause with MBCT

In this article I share insights from my transformative 20-year mindfulness journey, from battling burnout as a junior doctor to becoming a passionate mindfulness teacher. My early discovery of the health and healing effects of mindfulness propelled me into an exploration of the scientific foundations of mind-body medicine.

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menopause, anxiety and stress Rebecca Hannan menopause, anxiety and stress Rebecca Hannan

Menopause and Burnout: Exploring the Link Between Menopause and Burnout

Menopause can have a significant impact on how women perceive their work performance. Women who used to feel confident may now experience decreased productivity or a change in their work experience. Symptoms such as fatigue, memory issues, and anxiety are common, which can affect their professional lives. Shockingly, almost a third of these women report that the impact is significant.

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4 Mindfulness Practices for Menopausal Women Struggling with Anxiety

Has anxiety become a big deal for you as you approach menopause? It can be challenging to find calm with a mental storm raging. Maybe you catch yourself shallow breathing, or holding your breath, or struggling with a racing mind or heart. If this is you, here are four mindfulness practices that can help you to manage anxiety during menopause.

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